Why Join Somerset Bus Partnership?
The Management Committee have decided that Somerset Bus Partnership will be a membership organisation.
"A Management Committee will then be accountable to members
"A membership fee is not yet charged but as many people as possible will be needed as members. At your request, you will be informed of Somerset Bus Partnership events and discussions to keep you in the loop. Members will also be invited to the Annual General Meeting and will be able to stand as a Management Member for the Management Committee.
To enable the Partnership to apply for funding it is important that it has a constitution and a membership structure.
How To Become A Member Of Somerset Bus Partnership?
Please complete the below form:
Somerset Bus Partnerhsip has significantly increased its activities in the last year and hopefully will continue to do so.
Pushing for a better public transport network is vital and meaningful grant funding, as well as small donations are required to support this.
Most day to day costs have been funded by the volunteers on the Management Committee. £1750 has been spent to date but there is a need to establish a "fighting fund" to cover basic costs such as photocopying, website hosting, marketing materials etc.
Somerset Bus Partnership hopes that people will be supportive and even small donations are vital. Use the button below to donate if you can
Thank you!
Please be aware that we shall use these contact details purely for informing you of membership, our events and information about buses in Somerset. Your details will not be passed to any other organisation. You can unsubscribe at any time by emailing us to be removed from our database.